1:BUILD_BY[name] student1 1:BUILD_ENVIRONMENT[operating system 32 vs 64] Ubuntu12.04 64 1:DEPENDENCIES[list of dependencies with where to get them] 1. postgre-sql 2. postgre-sql client 1:END_DEPENDENCIES 1:NOTES[notes on attempted build] Not sure how to provide authentication to access the database. Error message when trying to access the database. student1@ubuntu:~/Downloads/builds/from emails/vldb-Goasdoe/RDFViewS_Christian/scripts$ psql -d ../inputFiles/barton/abadi-queries.sql -a -f ../inputFiles/barton/mo-queries.sql psql: FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "student1" 1:END_NOTES VERIFY:ANALYSIS_BY[name] VERIFY:STATUS[unknown,needed,not_needed,started,finished] unknown VERIFY:COMMENT[string]