1:BUILD_BY[name] student5 1:BUILD_ENVIRONMENT[operating system 32 vs 64] 1:END_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT 1:DEPENDENCIES[list of dependencies with where to get them] 1:END_DEPENDENCIES 1:NOTES[notes on attempted build] Build sbt - go to the sbt/bin directory. Type the command - java -Xms512M -Xmx2048M -Xss1M -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:MaxPermSize=384M -jar sbt-launch.jar build with -Xmx2048m as per specifications of LinqonSteroids sbt will download all necessary files including the Scala compiler. then the SBT command prompt will appear. Enter the following commands: package compile test:compile This will compile and package the library as a JAR file under the target folder. SBT installs, compiles and builds. Not sure how to test code present in LinqonSteroids. Can be given BOD as it is a matter of setting proper directory I think. 1:END_NOTES 2:BUILD_BY[name] 2:BUILD_ENVIRONMENT[operating system 32 vs 64] 2:END_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT 2:DEPENDENCIES[list of dependencies with where to get them] 2:END_DEPENDENCIES 2:NOTES[notes on attempted build] 2:END_NOTES